8 Most Common Money Mistakes

Charlotte Davis


6 min read

The journey to financial stability can be a difficult one. There are many common pitfalls you need to avoid that can derail your progress. Even if you think you’re being sensible with your money, you may be missing out on opportunities. If you want to achieve your financial goals, then it’s important to stay on the right track. That’s why we’re going to delve into the biggest money mistakes that can be made. This will allow you to sidestep them and make better decision to grow your wealth.

1. Living Beyond Your Means

Living beyond you means effectively means spending more than you earn, but it can be more nuanced than that. Even if you can afford your purchases without credit, you may be spending more than you should be. The temptation for many people can be that credit cards or loans can create the illusion of wealth. You may think that you can easily pay these off, but all of a sudden you find yourself with crippling interest payments. Not only that, but a high level of debt makes you highly vulnerable to a change of circumstances, such as redundancy. While having a mix of credit be a good way to keep your credit score high, it’s best to keep it at a level where you can pay it off each month. Be mindful with luxury spends. You need to ensure any interest payments you’re making are minimal and you’re not sacrificing your savings goals. Feel free to treat yourself but keep your financial future in mind.

2. Neglecting Emergency Savings

When it comes to finance, you need to prepare for the unexpected. It could be that you have a medical emergency, have crashed your car, or face sudden employment. You need to protect against such scenarios. Without savings, you may be forced to take out credit or face more drastic action such as selling assets. Ideally, you should have at least six months’ worth of expenses to rely on but saving as much as you can is wise, regardless of emergencies. You should set a portion of your income aside each month that goes directly into your savings account. This money should be left along until you must use it. This gives you a safety net and avoids financial panic.

3. Failing to Invest Wisely

Are we saying that you need to invest in the likes of stocks and bonds? No, we’re not. While these types of investments can be hugely beneficial, they can come with some risk and can be too confusing for too many people to bother with. However, there are more simple ways of making your money work for you. Investing in real estate has forever been seen as a wise thing to do, and placing your money into retirement accounts is also a form of investment. So, while it can be a good idea to look into stocks and bonds, there are other ways to safely invest your money. It’s also vital to understand that investing wisely also means avoiding high-risk investment methods. Such examples include cryptocurrency, emerging markets, and commodities. They can have potential for high returns, but also huge losses. If you are interested in high-risk investments, then only spend what you can afford to use and do diligent research.

4. Overlooking Insurance Needs

As we mentioned, many money mistakes come from not preparing for the worst. Insurance is something we all don’t like paying but the consequences of not doing so can be far worse. Unforeseen events can derail your financial stability. Whether its health insurance, disability insurance, property insurance or any other type relevant to your circumstances, each will protect your assets. It’s important to look at your current insurance portfolio and check whether it is giving you adequate protection.

5. Impulsive Spending

In these modern times of consumerism, it can be hard to avoid impulse spending. Even if you have no debts, spending big sums on luxury items can harm your financial goals. Buying that expensive item isn’t going to as satisfying as an early retirement. This can be especially pertinent to those whose income has recently increased. It can feel like you’re now able to spend more and upgrade all your possessions, but this can have negative long-term consequences. It’s important to differentiate between needs and wants. If you need an item, then don’t feel guilty about paying a little extra for something better. However, if it you don’t need the item, think twice about how much value it’ll actually bring to your life.

6. Neglecting Financial Education

Do you get confused by complicated money terms and have to keep looking them up? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a great idea to put this right and be more comfortable with financial literacy and what you can do with your money. At the minimum, it’s important to have a solid understanding of budgeting, saving, and investing. This will allow you to be much more comfortable with the decisions you’re making and less likely to be taken advantage of. There are many great resources out there to improve your financial education. Whether it’s through books, videos, or online courses, you have many avenues to improve your learning. It will make you much more confident in avoiding money mistakes.

7. Not Managing Your Credit Score

Many people don’t bother checking their credit score. They may be too scared to look, or perhaps confident that it’s very good. Whatever your financial circumstances, it’s important to keep track of it. For example, your score could be negatively affected by an error on the report or perhaps you don’t have a good credit mix. This can mean you will be charged more for the likes of credit or insurance than you need to be. Check out your credit report and always look for ways it can be improved.

8. Not Having a Clear Plan

As with many things in life, having clear goals allows you to focus your mind and gain a better understanding of how you can fulfil your ambitions. The same applies to your finances, as you need to have a roadmap to your next destination. For some it will be saving up to buy a home, for others it will be ensuring they have a comfortable retirement. Set out your financial goals and set clear objectives. This will help to keep you on the right track and make it more likely to meet your goals. 

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